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Center of Excellence
in Lagos, Nigeria

Bringing healthcare, education & innovative strategies to the region.

Bridging the gap between quality healthcare, education and the needs of the most vulnerable populations has been ongoing work for many organizations. The lack of proper healthcare and access to medical facilities plagues a large part of our modern world, with the global pandemic vividly revealing the impact of health inequity. The continent of Africa displays a high need for improved infrastructure and an equitable and sustainable delivery of systems.

With the creation of CMG Global Foundation’s Center of Excellence (CoE), we strive to shift the current climate by creating a unified, collaborative ecosystem. Our work is deeply rooted in developing high standards of conduct in the fields of research, innovation and education. We have big goals and they are all in accordance with generating scientific excellence, regional development, policy support and stimulating technological innovation in the health sector.

How we work.

The Center of Excellence (CoE) strives to shift the current healthcare climate by creating a unified, collaborative ecosystem to maintain high standards of conduct in the fields of research, innovation, and education. The CoE will have several areas of foci to generate scientific excellence, regional development, policy support, and stimulate technological innovation in the health sector.

The CoE aims to inform national health policies and bring international engagement to vulnerable populations by using capacity building for community and organizational development. CMG’s objective is to consolidate resources to improve upon infrastructure, innovation, and socio-economic development by implementing best practices, leadership, research and support.

The Center of Excellence aims to inform national health policies and bring international engagement to the vulnerable populations we serve by using capacity building for development. The funding for the CoE will help to foster both social and scientific goals stemming from the needs assessments performed. While research on vulnerable populations is typically performed at a higher education level which influences policy and governmental involvement, our objective is to consolidate resources to improve upon infrastructure, innovation and socio-economic development.

The Center of Excellence (CoE) will perform focused needs assessments and develop data-driven strategies to meet those needs. By assembling a group of subject matter experts, medical professionals, researchers, educators and community advocates, the Center of Excellence will engage in the following:
We aim to influence policy making in four ways: By identifying critical problems, researching policy solutions, estimating the financial cost of policy proposals, and participating in policy making decisions to change process.
We are committed to the process of managing workforces effectively and optimizing productivity in all sectors.
We focus on clinical and non-clinical approaches for improving health, preventing disease and reducing health disparities working with local health advocates, community organizers, and social activists.
We focus on utilizing the most innovative and cost-effective drugs, devices, and medical and surgical procedures for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of patients.

Our Focus Areas

Implementing best practices, leadership, research and support in the areas we serve
are necessary for the CoE’s development and growth.

Your donations help us provide a
healthier future for all.

Thank you for considering a donation to CMG Global Foundation, LLC. We cannot achieve our mission to develop human resource capacity and build infrastructure in vulnerable communities, without your valuable support. Your donation will help us provide accessible, critical healthcare, for these vulnerable communities, where lack of access to healthcare is the most pronounced.